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Pictures of lisa boothe

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Lisa’s family had deep roots in politics she made her predecessors very proud by graduating from the university with a political science degree. In 2007, she graduated from the university with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Development. She soon found solace in politics, which turned out to be her new passion.Īfter completing her high school, Boothe matriculated at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where she pursued what she had grown to love most: politics. Unfortunately, Lisa had a very serious muscle injury which forced her to quit hockey for good. She was able to win several state championship rings while she played for her school.

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When she joined high school, her passion for the game drove her to join the school team- she also played lacrosse for her team. She was the only daughter in her family of three brothers. A post shared by Lisa Boothe enjoyed playing hockey with her siblings when she was young.

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